You may be wondering why on earth there is a picture of a dirty pinkish red box knife posted. Weird I know. This little gem actually belongs to me. Or I should say, DID belong to me. We’ve seen many good times together. Ripping up carpet, breaking down boxes and believe it or not, it works great as a can opener as needed in the past couple of weeks, thanks to the breakdown of a certain Kitchen aid can opener….anyway, that’s another story.
I believe Fahrmeier Farms might want to buy stock in the Husky Brand as Bret has lost several within the last few months which leads me to this particular picture. My girly knife is now turned into a “manly” all purpose tool. Its new purpose is cutting black plastic and drip tape in the field along with other farm tasks and I christened it Saturday morning. I’m taking bets that it will never be in my full possession again. The funny thing is that I made fun of the fact that I had a chick knife and now I’m coping with the fact that I will never have sole custody of it again.