Tuesday, February 23, 2010

As I’ve said before, spring is a very busy time for all of us. My dad has lots of sayings that are “full of wisdom” that as a child I never really understood but now as I’ve gotten older I’m starting to get them. One of my favorites is “I’m busier than a one armed paper hanger.” Politically correct no….is it funny and true? YES! Very much so… Picture that image in your mind right now and try not to laugh.

In an effort to be responsible, knowledgeable growers and business owners we all like to take the opportunity to attend workshops and conferences not only to educate ourselves but others about local foods, growing methods, the agriculture industry, agritourism and our niche in our local and state economy.

Tonight, Bret will be in Higginsville to speak about the benefits of high tunnel production and how we do it on our farm. He’s also planning to attend the Farm, Food and Health Conference in March at the American Royal Pavilion in Kansas City, MO. The conference is about improving local food for our health, economy and communities and how consumers and producers can strengthen their relationships.

By day I work in town and have started moonlighting as a new farm wife as we fix up our new rental home, babysit and potty train our new puppy, Stella and continue the learning curve of all things Fahrmeier. All of these things and try to keep up with the rest of my family while trying not to look a fright all of the time.

Yesterday, Brandon spent some time in Columbia tasting some new grape varietals. Joan and Ron have been doing a few home improvement projects.
All of this plus the regular day to day farm work, greenhouse preparation and produce season planning. Needless to say a good night’s sleep is fast on our tails when our heads hit the pillow at night.

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