Wednesday, May 26, 2010

It's All About Timing...

As the old saying goes, “If you’re on time you’re late and if you’re early you’re on time”. This is the case with a couple of our crops so far this year. Our red raspberries are growing like wild fire and our early tomatoes are starting to get ripe. Both crops are running about 2 weeks ahead of our schedule which makes our hearts smile!

Timing is everything on the farm and anticipating the wants and needs of our customers is something we work very hard at doing. With some more luck and lots of prayers this dryer weather will allow everything to catch up and jump start their growth.

Watching the plants grow is like dangling candy in front of a baby! It makes us want to eat the produce immediately but is so worth the wait when it’s fresh. We hope everyone enjoyed their first delivery of CSA’s. We appreciate any and all feedback we can get from our guests and customers! Now…back to work! The produce needs us!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Fahrmeier's!

    Great to read all your stories on the farm. I still think back at the time that we visited your farm! Great to read that everything is progressing!

    Please keep in mind that if you need a help to harvest your crops, I will be there in a couple of days!

    Best of luck from The Netherlands

