Sweet Corn is here! And it's super tasty! Everyone has enjoyed it, including our dog! We will have it ALL Summer long!
Our eggplants are dark purple, beautiful and yummy. I'm currently seeking a recipe to wrap, roll or stuff it with something really fatty!
Pumpkins! Orange, white, green, warty, baby and cute. Our early patches have taken off and are looking great. The vines are officially growing together which means they will be one their way very soon. Fall is coming which is kind of a scary thought considering at the end of everyday we are drenched in sweat from a hard day's labor in the summer heat.
And tomatoes...the pride of our produce. We will grow litterally tons of the juicy, flavorful, big, small, yellow, RED, green and purple fruits. Our varieties are extensive as my jewelry collection and we love them all! Ron, aka "Dad" is pictured here sorting, grading and cleaning our first large picking of the season. This will be a familiar sight as our summer on the farm continues! Now, onto trying to keep up with everyone...that's a job within itself!
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